Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Using Cocaine On Your Gums

I never expected to start ....

Ssssaalve .... oh slut nn I know where to start ... at least I practice to write faster .... dungeon .. I said 10 years ago I wrote about what was happening to me every day .... every day is strange as I begin ... boh? Meanwhile, this color change that I like nn perhaps this is more cute is no longer visible? repeats ... well ... years ago I wrote these things and nn so if it continues but at least we try again .. cme I worked every single day .. at least 3 months working with a lady whose name I do nn ... with which I am and all in all I have to say the same passion .. bene.Condividiamo animals. Today we met again after two days of absolute holidays .... sun, sun, and my house in the country better than that ... you die! Relax and Fancazzismo are the watchwords. with my friends then we did a pretty good sausage turkish tango and then .... then ... and then uhmmmmmmm bed. are a bit annoying! qlcs maybe I should write more interesting! BEEHE I am in a bit blind eriod .... hours will be 4 months that I ... but left my mate nn I want to talk about is a bit sad to remember .. right now I we recall a lot of things I want to write but my mind is faster than my fingers! Ugh, well I think it is better to devote myself to my plants to my tango .... one of these days maybe I will talk about the tango and its five years in it and especially because of his ( nn nn accents make the case to write them to be faster) ... BELIEVE IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR NOW THEN MAYBE ANOTHER STORY FOR NOW .... BETTER to prepare WORK AND FOR MY IUL TANGO! BACI


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