Monday, June 9, 2008

Misty And Ask Doujinshi

Louis Bonaparte, President Fondazione Franco Fossati

Monica Guido Gentile
coincidences do not exist (as commuters are well aware, would have added Franco Fossati), then there will be a explanation to the fact that during the weekend, and reason on our website and Sections yet to be filled, he wrote "In and around Oz" as its watchword and titoletto for fantasy literature of childhood. Not must be an expert to recognize the importance of the work of Baum, and I remember that in a ranking of Variety the film many years ago by Victor Fleming was listed as the most watched on television by far (the sum of all performances of all film).
the world of Oz will therefore be given wide coverage (even for links with the animation, illustration, theater and comic) on our site. Then I'll be happy to give even to his translation the appropriate locations, indicating this year absolutely meritorious. In general flattening of knowledge, which leads always and only the infinite repetition of the biggest brands, often in poor editions and unnecessary, I'm happy when I see a spark of vitality and cultural research. I do not know Boopen issues, but I compliment the initiative.
And I congratulate you and thank him. I wish you satisfaction for his work as a teacher, a profession more than ever precious and difficult. I hope I can count on his contribution to improving our "mission" for a more accurate and comprehensive route information is - I hope - at some point a meeting on the issues that are important to us (we're trying to organize a exhibition and conference, but it is premature to talk about it).
I see now get hold of the book. A cordial greeting

Louis F. Bona
Foundation President Franco Fossati


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