Monday, February 7, 2011

What Color Wire To Connect Where In Plug

You know?

We four, we enter a café known in our city. We look around, noticing that an empty table is more rare to find a toilet for women, without the tail. So we aim
5 people that were on the table now empty glasses and cups, so you do come to their sense of guilt and the desire to get up to go for two tanks at minus 5 degrees under the arcades of the old .
course, they ignore us, we hope that we should go for a walk to minus 5 degrees.

We decided to go away, but one of us notice a small table for two alone, quite alone in a corner.
With the same rapacity of a bird of prey, we sling on that poor table. Two chairs are occupied now, and I'm going to beg some of the other tables remained unoccupied.

We sit, we begin to talk, to scan the menu, chatting, scanning the menu, to chat, to scan the menu ...

We doubt whether the place was DIY, when we see a very sprightly waitress that the modest age of 150 years, wanders among the tables with fair and frown on the air hostess of Goldoni, probably knew him ... Goldoni.

try to attract his attention, raising first one finger in a timid and polite, then all five fingers, then the whole arm and then switch to a reach vast and agitated.

We are noted.

The grandma comes up and asks: "Checklist"

Rapid Exchange eyes and began to order "hot chocolate with whipped cream," two "," an iced tea Lemon "and" whiskey. "

" What whiskey you want? "
"What whiskey do you have? "
" as she wants? "
" I do not know, do not come from the brands ... what have you? "
" But you want that whiskey? "
Our friend with the look we call for help, but my knowledge of whiskey stops at Bayleis .
" Do you have a ; Johnnie Walker? "
" No "
" A Jack Daniel's? "
" No "
" What do you have? "
"What do you want?"
"a Bayleis?"
"no ..."
"I do not come, but what brand of whiskey you here?"
"what she wants?"
"a glass of sparkling water!"
"carried it now!"

begin to ask ourselves the need to call the human rights commission against the exploitation of old shit when stoned and yet he sits next to our table a couple.
The old waitress comes over and asks, "you know?"
"I would like a pistachio ice cream!"
"We do not have the pistachio ..."
"What flavors do you have?"
"What do you want?"

E 'was when we fled from the room, forgetting to pay.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Inbound Into Customs Ups

For the series: Night Shift.

It 's a term that at various stages the day my phone rings and it's always the same person.

you say:
is the mother who wants to know if this morning I put the jersey health?
E 'boyfriend who wants to know what to prepare for dinner or what to buy at the supermarket? (because it is he who does the shopping and cooking in my house) .
It 's the boss wants to send in Burundi to deliver cheese?
It 's the best friend who must tell me the latest amorous adventures?
E 'that the police want to know exactly what I did last week in Arcore?

Not at all. A guy with whom I left a couple of times three or four years ago, then I have not heard, it was stubborn to call me every day. Do not answer the phone and he keeps calling. If not there will be a reminder that we will not want to answer? I do not care to answer?

I do not want to answer because I already know what he wants, because the guys I've always like that.

Before you go out with a couple of times. Maybe not give them soft now and then get bored. Why let the girl and then just are unwilling to commit it to him and either soft or just have no time to lose.
Maybe you are not so nice and then they stop now to attend.
So it does not go forward. Maybe
goes on, it lasts a couple of months, but feel that you are not made one for another and then I give up.

For a long period ranging from six months to a year or even more, he has never made me feel and you've forgotten and you will not even go to the hall of the brain to recall it.
happens that one day the phone rings and it's the guy. Look at the name flashing on the screen of your cell phone: this one already? Ah ... yes! What do you want?

"Hello, I am Tom, do you remember me?"
"Yeah, sure. How are you?"
"Well you and what do I tell?"
"Nothing .... work, do a course in bowling ..."
"Beautiful !.... is a bit 'that we do not feel ...."
"already ..."
"the other day I thought of you. I said almost, almost calling ... Maybe we could take a coffee together ...".
"Look, over bowls me busy every night from 19 o'clock at night. So I do not own time."
"Too bad. You're a nice person, I'd love to see you again."
"Eh ... but I'm just committed ...".

I imagine these guys in a moment of solitude, where we are now dislocated his right hand ( or left, depending on whether left-handed) , with the last forces take the phone and scroll through the contacts. This I called the other week, I called this yesterday, this has changed your phone number, this is my sister, this is too bad, this ... oh yeah that! Surely it is still single and desperate. I would go so I'll save that from solitude, they fancy! When I left there was wrong. I will surely welcome with open arms. It will have been waiting for this moment forward. Trumpet safe!

You have just been selected to resurrect a type of memory can not remember the name even more and have the honor of giving him the sack after he had let go, or discarded like you're stuffed.

Once, when I was a kid, I had cleared the number of a guy who liked me and that I had given up in the wrong way. He called after one year, of course I did not know it was her number one on display. I answered and he said: "hello." Not knowing who he was, I remain perplexed. He repeats: "Hello ... remember me?". And I said, "No. .." and disappointed him: "I'm Dick." So I closed the phone down. He called me back until I sent to that country. But what satisfaction!

now numbers no more gates, so I know who my enemy, I will not waste your time behind a calling me because I already know what they want and why they want it. Apparently he sent his right hand out of phase and would like to lend him mine!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Replacement Starter Cost

You know when you would like to sink?


It 's a day fresh and sunny, now the end summer. The truck business, the famous Vito deliveries taking place in peace, but here they are, by the roadside: the financiers.
They raise the blade and intimate to the van to stop. Vito obey, put the arrow and approaches.
"delivers something?".
"we can control?".
Who knows what would have happened if Vito had said no.

Vito opens its doors. The financiers control the goods being transported and control has been duly accompanied by a movement document.

Nothing to challenge "can go ..."
Vito greets and engages the first. A smile emerges on her lips.

Chapter One.

The first snow is covering with its icy mantle in the streets.
The phone rings in the office, my colleague from the point of sale, "came two finance, sought his head. The I told you where to go, what should I do? ".
"No, do not worry, let them also come to the office."
They spend a few minutes. The phone rings again, "the financiers are coming!".
Who knows what will take the yellow flames. It is now lunch time, I have a hunger. I hope you do not stop much.
few minutes later, the doorbell rings, "yes?"
"I pray on the first floor."

Two middle-aged men in civilian clothes, emerge at the door. They have a smile on his lips, they seem nice.
Salaam and after a short presentation I light up their presence in the company.
"A couple of months ago we stopped a van. Vito."
"Yes, we have the record."
"Well, we came to see if you turnover the goods described on DDT."
My partner opens a sheet where there is written the date and number of the transport document.
I fetch a binder from the shelf and I look for the invoice which shows the offending note.
"Well ..."
"It makes me see the bubble?"


Browse the binder in search of bubble indicatami by the financiers. In his view, bleaching. Launch a fleeting glance to the financiers, I make a nervous smile. Again on the bubble on it, there is this inscription: "HELLO HEAD Mink."